I tell you what, Altisource --- #OpALTISORE --- is driving drunk. As if their Order Mills stiffing Contractors across the United States was not enough; as if hiring Order Mills with documented bankruptcies was not dangerous enough, it would appear that Bill Shepro and his Ambulance Chasers are just trying to thumb their noses at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Here, hot off the press, let me show you what I mean,
From: Sylvia Brown <Redacted>
Date: Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 6:46 PM
Subject: Payments for Contractors
To: Phil Johnson <Redacted>
Cc: Lori Seabolt <Redacted>All –
While we have moved to weekly payment on Fridays, every contractor will not necessarily get a payment every week if we have not received payments for them from our client. Â Please remember that the payment will consist of the payments that we have received from our client. Â As a result of paying weekly, payments may be less than when we were on a two week pay schedule.
Also, our client upgraded their payment system which affected payment to us. This will affect the contract payments this week. You will notice that payments are lower than normal. Per our client, they should this issue fix itself within the next week and pay next Friday should be closer to normal.
Sylvia Brown
The Birdsey Group LLC Controller 3340 Peachtree Road Suite 200Atlanta, Georgia 30326
I love it. First, tell your people you are going to begin to roll into the 21st Century
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