Sat Apr 27 4:02:15 EDT 2024
News Tip / Op Ed

News Tip / Op Ed

Any Op-Ed submission must be exclusive to Foreclosurepedia and may not be longer than 2000 words. Foreclosurepedia will not publish articles sent to other publications or posted online, including on a personal blog, nor will we consider anonymous or pseudonymous submissions.

We consider only completed articles and do not provide guidance on ideas or proposals. Countless factors affect whether an opinion article is suitable for publication on Foreclosurepedia.

We do our best to read all submissions promptly and will contact you within one week if we are interested in publishing your article. If you do not hear from us in a week, it is safe to assume we will not be able to use your article.

Please type or paste your article as plain text, not HTML, and please do not use brackets. Information relevant to your expertise, or additional authors, may be included in the comments field.

Foreclosurepedia Op Ed Submission

Op Ed Submissions For Publication

Full Legal Company Name

Enter as: 123-456-7890

Enter In Plain Text Only

Submit an Anonymous News Tip

Foreclosurepedia offers several ways to securely send information and documents to our staff journalists. No system is 100% secure, but these tools attempt to create a more secure environment than that provided by normal communication channels. Please review the fine print before using any of these tools so you can choose the best option for your communication needs. In addition to using one of these tools, we recommend that you:

      • Use a secure computer to communicate with us—one that does not maintain enterprise software or malware that might be used to record your activities;
      • Use an operating system that helps preserve your privacy and anonymity, such as Tails;
      • Delete trails of communication that you store on your computer, such as copies of messages or your secure codename assigned when using the service;
      • Run any files you send to us through a metadata-scrubbing tool to minimize the risk of unintentionally sending us information embedded in the documents, such as an author’s name


This is a free, end-to-end encrypted messaging app, which allows you to communicate directly with Foreclosurepedia. You can send text messages, images and video. It also allows you to talk securely with a reporter by calling them via the Signal app. No metadata is retained by Signal. It can be downloaded from the app store. Signal can be configured to delete messages automatically at a designated time interval.

Foreclosurepedia’s Signal phone number: 757-655-3273

Download Signal from iTunes

Download Signal from Google Play


SecureDrop is an open-source whistleblower submission system that media organizations can use to securely accept documents from and communicate with anonymous sources. SecureDrop submissions are entirely encrypted and do not include any identifying metadata.

Link Coming Soon!

Encrypted Email

If you use PGP encryption, here is our fingerprint and link to our public key. If you use our public key with a mail encryption plugin, for example Mailvelope or Enigmail, this encrypts the contents of your message but not the subject line or the name of the sender. Gmail and Google Workspace both have a product called FlowCrypt, a browser extension, as well.

Fingerprint: 5F1D E9BC 1EEA 2FA5 A20A 7DF4 1391 9E5F 6EDB 9EEA

Foreclosurepedia’s public key:
Version: FlowCrypt [BUILD_REPLACEABLE_VERSION] Gmail Encryption
Comment: Seamlessly send and receive encrypted email
