When Foreclosurepedia first broke the news in April, 2013, of Aspen Grove Solutions moving upon the Mortgage Field Services Industry like the Grim Reaper, the Drive By Social Media Pundits stated it was impossible to have Industry Wide Background Checks forced upon them with over a ONE THOUSAND PERCENT PLUS mark up. When Foreclosurepedia first broke the story of Aspen Grove Solutions movement to take command and control over the photographs which Contractors send to their Clients, Drive By Social Media Pundits scoffed and then we wrote about Aspen Grove Solutions partnering with the Palmer's over at Pruvan. When Foreclosurepedia stated Aspen Grove Solutions would take over the Work Orders giving Aspen Grove Solutions the Complete Trifecta Clients and Contractors alike said, "Never in a million years."
Property Pres Wizard, InspectorADE and EZinspections have partnered with Aspen Grove Solutions to better enable work orders to be directly linked to the person, or persons, logged in at the property. This new capability provides both the client and vendor greater visibility and management oversight of field activities relating to background check compliance coupled with many other efficiency gains that you would expect from a mobile enabled application.
Aspen Grove Solutions, in conjunction with Pruvan Inc, Inspectorade, EZ Inspections, and Property Pres Wizard will be hosting a breakout session "Providing Proof of Compliance at Point of Service" at the Annual Conference of Mortgage Field Services, hosted by NAMFS, on September 5th in Orlando.
So, the NAMFS Regime Fraud Fest 2014 seems to be Ground Zero. As usual with most underfunded events, the time was ripe to announce the fact that The interesting movement on the Aspen Grove Solutions monopolization of the Mortgage Field Services Industry makes perfect sense when one looks at the recent movements under their roof. Chuck Sockol, formerly of Lender Processing Services (LPS) and recently dropped by ASONS, has now appeared over at ...
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