Sun Feb 16 3:54:18 EST 2025
Home#OpNAMFSNAMFS: A Slippery Slope Into Violence

NAMFS: A Slippery Slope Into Violence

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National Association of Mortgage Field Services (NAMFS) Regime Member Carol Boyd, NAMFS Regime Bronze Level Contributor and owner of Boyd Property Preservation, is on the warpath according to her ex sister-in-law. I received a call today at 1146EDT from the elderly and widowed whistle blower whom had been interviewed back in November, 2013. According to her, Carol Boyd had gone to her daughter's place of employment demanding her address and stating that she [Carol Boyd] and her sisters were going to get the whistle blower.

Where do you start with something like this? Threatening and intimidating an elderly woman?! We have dozens of emails documenting Carol Boyd's sending of bounced checks to Contractors. We recently brought to light her use of a tenant and his mother on job sites and then allegedly not paying them what they were owed and refusing medical attention for the mother after her injury.

Now, we are adding threats of violence against whistle blowers. I mean the NAMFS Regime must have lost their minds! This is the United States of America not Nazi Germany!

Kingpin Eric Miller, Executive Director of the NAMFS Regime and recipient of OVER ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS PER YEAR; NEARLY SEVENTY PERCENT OF ALL NAMFS REGIME MEMBERSHIP DUES is well aware of the Carol Boyd Matter. In response to a Contractor's email attempting to get help from the NAMFS Regime, Miller stated,

It appears that this involvement has made some difference as there was contact made (although no payment to date). That said, NAMFS is still working through the direction set by the Board of Directors. I completely understand your frustration and anger at the situation. NAMFS continues to review our by-laws and procedures but as it does not have part in the signed contract it has left resolution of monetary related issues to the direct parties involved.

It has come to my attention that the information you provided to NAMFS, including the unsigned check which provides routing and account numbers, is now posted on a website called Foreclosurepedia. It also appears that some of our personal correspondence has also been included which is unfortunate.

The Carol Boyd Matter is so prolific that United States Senator Bob Corker had to become involved in an attempt to get Contractors paid. Constituent Representative Rhonda Smithson stated in an email,

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