Foreclosurepedia Electronic Communications Policy
E-Sign Disclosure and Consent
Last Update: 18 December 2015
Foreclosurepedia and Third Party Providers may be required to provide certain service agreements, disclosures, notices and other communications (collectively “Communications”) to you in written form. Pursuant to this Electronic Communications Policy (the “Policy”), we will deliver such Communications to you in electronic form. Your agreement to this Policy confirms your ability and consent to receive such Communications electronically, rather than in paper form.
Capitalized terms not defined in this Policy shall be defined as in the Foreclosurepedia Terms of Service.
Electronic delivery of communications
You agree and consent to receive electronically all Communications provided to you in connection with your Foreclosurepedia Payments Account and your use of the Services, including but not limited to Foreclosurepedia. Communications include:
(a) agreements and policies you must agree to in order to use the Services (e.g., the Foreclosurepedia Terms of Service and Privacy Notice), including updates to those agreements and policies;
(b) payment authorizations and transaction receipts or confirmations;
(c) account statements and history; and, (d) all other communications or documents related to or about your account and your use of the Services.
Electronic Communications shall be deemed to be received by you upon delivery in the following manner:
(a) posting them to your Foreclosurepedia Account or in an associated mobile application;
(b) sending them via electronic mail to the email address you used to create your Foreclosurepedia Account; or,
(c) otherwise communicating them to you via the Services.
It is your responsibility to open and review Communications that we deliver to you through the means described above. We may, but are not obligated to under this Policy, provide you with notice of the availability of a Communication that is delivered in one of the methods described above (for example, by informing you of such Communication through a notification sent to your mobile device).
You should maintain copies of electronic Communications by printing paper copies or saving electronic copies, as applicable.
Hardware and software requirements
In order to access and retain electronic Communications, you will need to maintain or have access to the following computer hardware and software at your own expense:
- a computer or mobile device with Internet or mobile connectivity;
- a current web browser that includes 128-bit encryption (e.g. Internet Explorer version 6.0 and above, Firefox version 2.0 and above, Chrome version 3.0 and above, or Safari 3.0 and above) with cookies enabled;
- the appropriate mobile application, in the case of Communications delivered through such application;
- software capable of opening documents in PDF format;
- access to the valid email address you used to create your Foreclosurepedia Account registration; and,
- sufficient storage space to save past Communications or a printer to print them.
By giving your consent to this Policy, you confirm that you are able to meet the above requirements, and that you can receive, open, and print or save any Communications referenced in this Policy for your records.
Requesting additional copies and withdrawing consent
The following additional terms will apply to such electronic Communications:
(a) you may contact Foreclosurepedia or the Third Party Provider, as applicable, to request another electronic copy of the electronic Communication without a fee;
(b) you may request a paper copy of such electronic Communication within ninety days of the original Communication issuance date, and Foreclosurepedia or the Third Party Provider, as applicable, reserves the right to charge a fee to provide such paper copy;
(c) you may contact Foreclosurepedia to update your registration information used for electronic Communications or to withdraw consent to receive electronic Communications; and
(d) Foreclosurepedia or the Third Party Provider reserves the right to terminate your use of the Services and the associated Third Party Provider products and services if you decline or withdraw consent to receive Electronic Communications.
You may contact Foreclosurepedia in relation to this Policy by sending an email to with ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS POLICY as the Subject Line Title.